

简的衣橱 is dedicated to providing financial help to Box Butte County residents battling cancer, no matter what type of cancer they are diagnosed with; be it a man, 女人, 或者孩子正在接受治疗.

Wings of HOPE (Helping Others Pursue Education) is a committee formed at the request of Jane Wineteer, 她于2007年2月因乳腺癌去世. She dreamed of establishing an area at Box Butte总医院 to hold resources for cancer patients.

Wings of HOPE is the parent organization which supplies 简的衣橱 with material and products that are designed to help area residents diagnosed with cancer cope with the disease. The organization also provides monetary support for cancer patients to help them with expenses (e.g. 旅游及住宿).

如果你, or someone you know needs the help of 简的衣橱 - please contact either Lori Mazanec at 308.761.3428号,玛丽·古德尔308号.761.3423.

除了提供给那些有需要的人, 希望之翼继续接受假发, 围巾, 书籍或任何其他适合所有年龄的癌症患者的物品. 现金捐赠购买这些物品也被接受.